Thurisaz – “Thor-is-as” – Literally: “Thurses” or “Giants” – Esoteric: Strong one, Resistance

Thurs is the anglicized word for the Icelandic and Norse word « þurs », which is a 'giant' in the Old Norse mythology explained in the Eddas to be an adversary of the gods and their worlds. The term 'thursian giant' is synonymous to thurs.

Thurs Media is the creation of Dustin Berben.  Dustin’s interest in photography began at a young age and has only grown over the course of his life.  His artistic eye was developed and encouraged by his parents, themselves professional artisans.

Composing using various mediums has always been a passion he held close. If not woodworking, smithing or building, then photography filled his need to create.

Dustin has enjoyed decades of capturing moments in nature and the personalities of horses, dogs and humans within camera shot. Now he has jumped headlong into the storytelling capabilities of video.

If a picture tells a thousand words, imagine what kind of story 24 frames a second can convey!   With this in mind he started Thurs Media to be able to offer instructional, promotional, event, 1:1 or 1:many interview and entertainment videos.

What is your story and how do you want it told?  Contact today to see what Dustin and Thurs Media can do for you!

Services Offered

Digital Photography

  • Providing edited finished images in the clients preferred format.

    We provide media ready for posting to social channels or for promotional use on your website.


    • Including providing raw or edited finished footage based on clients needs.

      We provide media ready for posting to social channels or for promotional use on your website.